An Honest Look at Exercising When Busy

Picture of Coach Javier

Coach Javier

As of two weeks ago, I became a father

To say it has been completely life changing is an understatement.

welcome to the world baby!

By the way, you can see in the picture, I’m wearing my Garmin. In all the busy-ness, I never even bothered to take it off. Which gave me some fun health data!

Can you spot the day the baby was born? 🤭

Needless to say it’s been hard to get the sleep and movement that I’m used to.

Which leads to the question:

How am I going to continue taking care of my health when I have bigger priorities to look after?

First thing I thought of was:

Being present for my family is what I’m trying to be healthy for

So, the most important thing now is that I’m available to take care of my wife and baby daughter.

It feels like I need to be available 24/7 in order to take care of everybody. And in the first week, I did not get a single day of exercise at all!

But finally I sat down with my wife and we talked things out– we realized it’s important to still take time to take care of ourselves in our own way

For me that means:
– Stepping away from the screens
– Letting go of any guilt I feel (for taking time for myself)
– And doing 15 minutes of any exercise I enjoy

The hardest part for me is stepping away. There’s a part of my brain that want to hop into action the minute I hear the baby cry.
But if I’m in it for the long haul, I’m going to need to start being practical about getting enough movement and enough rest any way I can!

It’s hard to take care of your health when it feels like there are so many other important things to do.

Ask yourself:

  • What is the highest priority for me? (is it family, business, work, my hobbies?)
  • Where does my health fit into that picture?

Always frame your health in terms of how it helps you do the things that matter to you.

Good luck!

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